The Benefits of Web Security
Web security is an important part of any business. It protects users, data and applications from attacks and malware. These threats can range from the simple to the malicious, such as phishing sites and malicious downloads. This protection is vital to businesses, as many of them rely on online systems to manage their data. In addition, if a website is hacked, it can result in the theft of sensitive customer information. Similarly, if a website is phished, it can lead to the dissemination of illegal or damaging content to its visitors.
A web security solution can offer a number of benefits to organizations. For example, it can inspect all traffic for malicious content or actions that violate corporate policy, and enforce bandwidth limits for specific types of sites. Additionally, it can prevent compromised devices from communicating with attackers. With this kind of protection, employees can work safely from any location.
Web security solutions also include features that are not available in other solutions, such as URL filtering and SSL introspection. Web security appliances can be on-premises or cloud-based. They act as a web proxy, and can inspect all internet-bound traffic.
A data loss prevention solution is another great way to safeguard your sensitive information. The feature works by monitoring data flows and preventing the corruption of data during transfer. Moreover, a digital watermarking function can be used to conceal minor alterations to data.
Cross site scripting (XSS) is an exploit that allows an attacker to gain access to information from a web page directly. To execute this attack, an attacker sends an input javascript tag to the web application. Alternatively, a forged request may be used to manipulate hidden functionality.
X-Frame-Options is an HTTP response header that indicates whether the browser should be allowed to render the page in an embedded frame. While it’s a good idea to encrypt credit card information, it’s best to avoid transmitting it in this manner.
Web application firewalls are another way to defend against malicious websites. These solutions can block traffic that takes advantage of known vulnerabilities in web applications. Another great web security feature is DNSSEC, which ensures that web application DNS traffic is routed correctly. Specifically, this is important when using content management systems, which can be vulnerable to attack due to the weakness of third-party plugins.
In fact, some of the newest web applications are actually incorporating many third-party tools, and a security solution needs to be able to detect these to ensure that your users are protected. Some examples of these include antivirus, URL filtering, and Subresource Integrity, which are all features available only in secure contexts.
The latest web security solutions are equipped to detect and mitigate these threats. Many features are available that make it easier to maintain web security, and provide an overview of what your employees are doing on the web. Plus, they are inexpensive and easy to implement.
Lastly, a robust web security solution can be configured to allow administrators to control the flow of traffic within the organization. Web administrators can set up application-specific rules to block or permit specific types of traffic, or ban certain sites.