A Website Explained
A website is a collection of digital files stored or hosted on a computer that is connected to the internet. These files can be written in a variety of languages such as HTML and CSS. When a user accesses the website, the files are displayed on their screen using a web browser.
A Website Explained
A website (also known as a Web site) is a collection of interlinked Web pages grouped under a domain name. A website can be created by an individual, group, business or organization to serve a wide range of purposes.
Websites are accessible to everyone around the world through a computer or other device with an internet connection. This allows people to learn about the world and how they can make a difference through a variety of activities, including information sharing and commerce.
Most websites are organized into several different sections. These include a home page, which is the first page that will appear when someone types in a website’s domain name into their browser. This section contains a brief overall description of the site and links to internal pages with more detailed information about what the website is about.
Usually, the home page also includes a navigation bar that helps users navigate the main website structure easily. This navigation bar is often used to display important information like terms of service, privacy policies and contact information.
Another part of most websites is the footer, which contains important information like disclaimers and links to similar websites. It also lists the company’s address and phone number, and is a useful way for visitors to get in touch with the website owner.
The content of a website should be concise, clear and easy to read. Most readers will skim through a webpage, looking for the information they want to see. Taking the time to create a good user experience will ensure that readers stick around and spend more time reading your website.
A Website Explained
Once a visitor types your domain name into their web browser, it will send a request to the server that stores your files. The server will verify that the request is legitimate and then process the files it needs to display the website’s content.
When the website files are finished processing, the server sends them to a web browser for display on a visitor’s screen. Once the web browser has these files, it will’read’ them and display them on the screen for the visitor.
A Web server is a computer that stores and serves the files of a website, as well as other resources. These can include text, images, videos and other digital assets.
Every computer on the internet has a unique string of numbers, called an IP address. This IP address is what a computer uses to connect with other computers and devices over the internet.
The IP address of the web server that stores your site will be found through a service called the Domain Name System or DNS. When you register your domain name, the DNS will look up your server’s IP address and tell your web browser which one to connect with.