The Essential Components of Web Design

web design

With more than a billion websites live on the internet, web design has become a key player in how we interact with one another online. Web designers play a critical role in creating an experience that keeps people coming back for more. But what does this career path entail? This article will break down the essential components of web design to help you better understand how this field fits into the larger landscape of digital design.

The first thing to know about becoming a web designer is that it requires a mix of hard and soft skills. The hard skills, which are specific to the job and measurable, include the ability to create HTML, CSS and Javascript. These skills are the building blocks of a website and will enable you to code, build and test your designs. The soft skills, on the other hand, are more interpersonal and include communication, collaboration and problem-solving abilities. These traits are more intangible but are just as important when it comes to working in a team and managing client expectations.

A web designer’s main responsibility is to make a website look good and function well. Every element in a website is created to serve this purpose. It’s not enough to have a beautiful website if it’s difficult to navigate or doesn’t offer the information a user is looking for. Users will quickly abandon a site that frustrates them, making it less likely they will come back. This is why it’s so important for web designers to focus on the balance between appearance and functionality.

To ensure a website is easy to use and looks great, web designers must utilize several different tools. These include wireframes, which are visual tools that help to lay out how text and images will appear on individual pages. They also use CMS, which is a software program that allows the web designer to manage and update content without the need for a programmer. They often work with SEO, which is a set of practices that can be used to improve a website’s search engine optimization. This can be done through metadata, alt text for images and choosing relevant keywords for page titles.

Once a website is live, it’s important for web designers to regularly check in on its performance and make changes accordingly. This could include updating information, adding fresh visual content or even working on a new layout to keep the site current and engaging for visitors. A redesign is a worthwhile investment that can boost traffic, increase conversions and strengthen the brand’s or business’s reputation.

If you’re interested in learning more about web design and starting your own career in this field, consider taking a bootcamp like Thinkful’s UX/UI Design Bootcamp. This immersive course provides hands-on training in all aspects of web design and pairs you with a mentor to support your growth as a professional. Learn more about this popular path today!