Understanding the Code That Makes a Website Work

A website is a collection of interlinked web pages that can be accessed through the World Wide Web on computers, mobile devices or other Internet-enabled equipment. Those pages contain information, entertainment or services. Websites are hosted on servers—physical or virtual machines that store website files and send them to Internet browsers upon request.

Websites can be created and maintained by individuals, organizations or businesses. They serve a variety of purposes and can be used to achieve specific goals or purposes. These include providing information, promoting products or services, entertaining, facilitating commerce or establishing credibility and trust.

Most websites are composed of multiple Web pages, organized into an information hierarchy that reflects their intended purpose. Each Web page contains a combination of text, graphics, photos, animations, audio and video that are tied together using hypertext markup language (HTML), a programming code that allows web developers to plan and create the structure of a page. A Web page also includes a menu that provides links to other pages within the site or to other websites.

As a living being, your DNA contains all the genetic markers that make you… you. Your genes are made up of a lot of smaller molecules, and each molecule is labeled with its genetic code. When cells are formed, those molecules read your code and follow the pattern you laid out for them. That’s how your body makes you look like you do—but only if the code is there to read.

So, why do we need to understand the code that makes a website work? Because that code is how the world’s billions of websites are created, stored, accessed and managed. And when something doesn’t work right—or even worse, doesn’t exist at all—it’s because the code was not written correctly or isn’t there to read.

Websites are created and stored on servers, which are connected to the Internet so that users from all over the world can access them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Websites use a computer programming language called HTML to format and send information requested by worldwide users through web browsers on computers or mobile devices.

When you search the web for a certain topic, a list of related websites and their home pages will appear. Each website has its own URL address that can be entered into a browser to open the website. Websites are often grouped into categories, such as blogs and forums, to help people find what they’re looking for.

A business with a well-designed, professionally built website will have a significant advantage over competitors that do not have a website. Having a website establishes credibility, builds trust and can increase revenue and sales by attracting new customers. It can also save businesses money by eliminating the need for a physical storefront and cutting operating and maintenance costs. Additionally, e-commerce sites allow businesses to sell their products and services globally.