Web Security and Business Continuity

The massive importance of the internet for modern businesses has made web security a vital component of business continuity. It is your first line of defense against threats that can lead to the exposure of sensitive data, costly ransoms, reputational harm, compliance violations, and more.

Threats that target web applications are growing more sophisticated, targeted and successful. With cyberattacks targeting web servers, browsers and endpoints in an increasing number of ways, a strong web security strategy is critical to protecting your data, applications, employees and customers.

Attackers use many techniques to compromise a website and steal sensitive information or disrupt web services, but some of the most common include:

Data exfiltration: When a website is compromised, attackers can send the stolen data back to themselves or sell it to third parties. To prevent this, web security solutions can scan and proactively block traffic to malicious sites and content.

Malicious redirects: These are attempts by attackers to direct a website visitor to a site that looks like the original, but contains malware or other content the user doesn’t want. To prevent this, a web security solution can check incoming traffic for suspicious URL patterns, bots, data-type patterns and other indicators of risk.

DDoS attacks: These are attempts by attackers to flood a site or network with malicious traffic, causing it to slow down or crash and making it unavailable for legitimate users. To prevent this, a web security system can monitor traffic to the site and look for patterns that indicate a DDoS attack is in progress.

Other threats: These are attempts by hackers to exploit weaknesses in a website or web application, such as using SQL injection to access sensitive data or utilizing cross-site scripting (XSS) to trick the web server into executing unintended code. They can also include a hidden form on the website that collects data and then sends it to the hacker’s email account or other site destination, such as a bank.

The cost of a security breach is high: It can result in lost revenue due to downtime, loss of customer trust and loyalty, brand damage, regulatory fines, and lawsuits. As the number of remote workers grows, an effective web security solution is key to enabling secure and seamless remote work while protecting your business from cyberattacks.

Whether you are looking to protect against the most common web threats, or are building an entire cybersecurity stack from the ground up, our web security solutions can help. Our solutions are designed with today’s challenges in mind, including the growth of BYOD and a shift to cloud-based apps. With a powerful web gateway and advanced threat prevention tools, you can ensure that your remote workforce is working securely, while providing the protections they need to keep your organization safe. To learn more about how our web security solutions can protect your organization, request a demo with Check Point. We’d be happy to walk you through our Harmony Browse product, and show you how it can protect your team against all of the latest Internet threats.