What Is Javascript?


If you’re interested in web development, it’s likely that you’ve heard of javascript. In fact, you probably know it’s the magic behind the vast majority of websites that are out there – everything from filling out forms to scrolling maps to getting search results based on a few letters you type. But what exactly is javascript and how does it work?

javascript is a computer programming language that allows you to create dynamic web pages. It’s used in conjunction with HTML and CSS to build web applications and websites, and it can also be used with other technologies such as AJAX.

In its early days, javascript was developed by Netscape in order to make the World Wide Web more dynamic. The language was originally called LiveScript, but was later renamed JavaScript to avoid confusion with the more popular Java programming language.

JavaScript is different from most other programming languages because it’s primarily run in the browser rather than on a server. This means that it can respond to user input and update the content of a webpage without needing to communicate with a backend server.

Most modern browsers support javascript, which makes it easy to use and deploy. However, it’s still important to keep in mind that javascript is not a replacement for other technologies. For example, if you’re looking to build a complex web application with advanced functionality, you may want to consider using an additional tool like node.js or angular.js in addition to javascript.

Javascript is a powerful programming language, but it can be a little difficult to learn at first. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the basics of javascript, including its syntax, functions, and variables. We’ll also cover some of the most common errors you might encounter when working with javascript, as well as some of the more advanced features that you can use to enhance your web apps.

The first thing to remember about javascript is that it’s a scripting language, meaning that it runs in the client (browser) side of the web page. This is in contrast to other major programming languages that are primarily used on the server-side (such as PHP or Ruby).

Scripts are written in plain text and don’t require any special preparation or compilation. They’re usually embedded directly in the DOM using the script> element or referenced via a separate.js file. Once the script is loaded, it will execute as soon as the browser starts to parse it. Scripts can be marked as either async or defer, which controls the execution order. Scripts with the async attribute will be executed as soon as they’re downloaded, while those with the defer attribute will wait until the rest of the script has been loaded and parsed.

When writing a javascript program, it’s important to comment your code. This will help you when you’re debugging your app or website, and it can also prevent others from unnecessarily copying your code. In general, more comments are better than less – but be careful not to over-comment your code, as this can be confusing and potentially introduce bugs.