What is Javascript?
If you’re a web developer, chances are you have at least heard the term javascript. But perhaps you have never really understood what it does or how it helps create the amazing websites and applications we use everyday.
javascript is a scripting language developed in 1995 by Brendan Eich and first used to make web pages come alive. Initially named LiveScript but later renamed JavaScript, it is an interpreted programming language that can be run directly in a browser, unlike other compiled languages like C or Java, which need to be translated into machine code before they can be run.
Web page developers insert javascript into HTML documents, and the browser executes the code when the page loads. This allows web developers to add interactive and dynamic features to their sites. Some of the most popular websites on the internet, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook and Wikipedia, are built using javascript.
The most obvious feature of javascript is its ability to track user input and update the content on the site accordingly. This can be used to create things such as sliders, carousels and slideshows which are intuitively updated based on user actions. It can also be used to build animations or transitions between images in a slide show or presentation.
Other features of javascript that make it an extremely powerful tool for web development include its versatility and its speed. It can be used to create both server-side applications and client-side components that run within the web browser. Javascript is a great choice for creating rich applications with lots of data that must be accessed quickly. It is also very easy to incorporate into existing sites as it is well-supported by all major browsers.
In addition to its ability to manipulate the DOM, javascript can also be used to interact with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) which are functions in software that have been left open for developers to use. Javascript is used to access and control a variety of popular APIs, including Twitter and Facebook.
Despite its many benefits, there are still a number of reasons why developers choose to not use javascript. One common reason is that it takes up a lot of memory, which can be problematic on certain devices and in some browsers. Another is that it can be very hard to debug. Fortunately, there are tools available that can help debug javascript.
If you’re considering learning javascript, the best way to get started is by checking out online resources that offer tutorials and practice exercises. There are even sites where you can post your own code and have it evaluated by other users to identify any errors or inefficiencies in your program. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can start looking for real-world examples of javascript in action to get an idea of its potential for your own projects.