What is JavaScript?
javascript is used to make web pages dynamic and interactive. It’s a very powerful language that can do many things including changing HTML attributes on the fly, hiding or showing HTML elements and adding or updating HTML markup. It’s also used for animation and making data visualizations. It has been very popular and widely adopted for web development but is used in a variety of other applications as well.
It was created by Netscape in 1995 and is a single-threaded programming language that runs code line by line. The first thing that happens is the code is parsed which translates it into a data structure called an Abstract Syntax Tree. This data structure is then translated into machine code and executed by the engine. The Global Execution Context is created and each time a function is called a new stack frame is pushed onto it. The stack frame contains information about the function’s arguments and local variables. The return address is also present on the stack and execution continues where it left off when the function completes.
A big advantage of JavaScript is its simplicity compared to other languages. This makes it easier to learn and run and it is also faster than some other languages. Another important feature is its flexibility and the fact that it can be compiled at run-time in most major browsers. This allows developers to add functionality and improve performance in real-time without the need to connect to a server or wait for compilation.
JavaScript also has a very large set of built-in functions and supports many standard data types. For example, string, number, boolean and date objects are all supported. Several operator types are available for comparing values and operations like +, -,
The best known use of JavaScript is for web development and, according to Web Technology Surveys, over 95% of websites use it. However, it’s also used in front end and back-end development, game development, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.
The beauty of javascript is that it can be used in both client and server-side environments, depending on the needs of an application. For instance, on the client side, the browser controls the execution environment so that JavaScript can only access resources that the browser gives it permission to. Server-side scripts, on the other hand, have full access to the server’s resources. Both have their benefits and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider the needs of an application before deciding which one to use.