Learning the Basics of Web Coding

web coding

Web coding is the process of turning text into an application that runs on a server, then displays to a browser. Websites, online shopping, video games and even e-books are all built on a platform called the internet, where files are stored on servers connected to a giant network of computers. It is a very popular field to study because it touches on so many aspects of the world around us.

The best way to learn web coding is to find a resource that can teach you the basics, then take it from there. Some popular options include Codecademy, a free online coding education platform, and a coding bootcamp like Coding Dojo. Both will help you understand the concepts behind the coding, and give you practice on real-world problems. They also give you a chance to meet other people interested in the same topic, which is always helpful for learning new things.

You can also find lots of resources on your own, such as the free tutorials on TutorialsPoint and the popular educational site Khan Academy. There are also paid options such as edX, which offers courses and programs from some of the world’s leading universities and colleges.

The main thing to remember is that it takes time to become a web developer. There are a lot of different languages to learn, and it can be challenging to figure out the best way to make a certain page look the way you want it to. It’s important to take it slow and enjoy every new skill you pick up along the way.

A good place to start is with the three main front-end coding languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. HTML, short for Hypertext Markup Language, is a special code for ‘marking up’ text in order to turn it into a webpage. It is the foundation of any website, and forms the backbone of every web application you see on the net today. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is the code for formatting your web pages, ensuring they match the aesthetic you envisioned when designing them. Finally, JavaScript is a scripting language used to add functionality and interactivity to your websites.

If you’re interested in becoming a full-stack developer, then it is a good idea to pick up additional languages such as Python and PHP, which are used for the back end of web development. These are the languages that communicate with the database and server that supports your front-end web interface.

It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with a responsive design framework, such as Bootstrap. This will help you to build a website that is designed to display and function well across multiple platforms, including smartphones. This is important, because more and more people are using their phones to access the internet instead of desktop computers. The last thing you want is for a potential customer to be frustrated when they try to view your site on their phone and it doesn’t display properly.