The Basics of JavaScript


Most people who have visited a website or used an app on the web have probably used javascript. It is one of the most common programming languages in the world, and it powers almost everything dynamic on the web. It’s the magic that makes images animate, news tickers pop up, and even chatbots respond to our requests. Along with hypertext markup language (HTML) and cascading style sheets (CSS), it is what enables websites to work.

JavaScript (or JS) is a scripting language that can be embedded directly into web pages, as well as referenced in a separate file (usually a.js file). It is unique in that it can run in the browser (or on any device) without requiring additional programs or compilation. JS is often referred to as the “younger brother” of Java, but it was actually created independently and has since gained popularity on its own.

The main reason that javascript is so important is that it allows developers to bring more life and interactivity into their websites. It lets them create dynamic features that can be interacted with – like clicking on an image to see it zoom in or an icon to open a new window – and changes onscreen without the page having to reload. It’s also what makes it possible to play a web-based video game or use an online app on the web without having to install software or download any files.

It is important to understand the basics of javascript, as this will allow you to more easily read and debug code. It will also help you become a better developer and write better, faster apps.

Understanding how JavaScript works is critical to writing efficient code that runs fast and is free of IO-bound callbacks. In this article we will explore how the VM in which JavaScript runs (also known as the “JavaScript engine” or “V8”) executes code. We will discuss things like the AST, call stack and garbage collector, as well as some key concepts that are fundamental to a productive javascript program, such as function inlining.

Essentially, JavaScript is a programming language that uses the same execution model as other languages such as C and Python. It is a single-threaded, interpreted and just-in-time compiled language with a non-blocking event loop. It is used to create interactive applications on the front end of the web and can be used to build everything from simple web forms to complex backend services. In fact, many major websites have moved away from PHP and Python, to JavaScript for improved performance and scalability. In addition to its use on the front end, javascript is also being used to power chatbots and natural language processing systems for customer support and data mining.